Pon - Pet : 09:00 - 21:00
+385 95 700 30 90



Handmade manipulation of tissues

Classic medical massagge

Sport massagge

Lymphatic drenage

Anti celulite massagge

Trigger point therapy

Often, it is thought that classical massage and medical massage are the same type of massage, but in fact it is a different approach to manual manipulation. Classical massage is a generic massaging technique whose main function is the mobilisation of the muscular, connective and tendon tissues. Often it is carried out in non-specific situations when it is necessary to mobilise the tissue, work on the circulation in order to create a well-being for the whole organism.
Medical massage on the other side although based on the classic massage is part of the functional massage group. Its role is to restore the quality of the locomotion system and solve minor problems where they are more concentrated. So, classic massage is performed in all those situations where the client wants to relax but does not complain of particular pain. In the medical massage on the other side, you work on problematic areas like the shoulder blades, the shoulders, the trapeze or the lower back, also implementing the technique of the trigger points.

Sport massage is an integral part of every professional workout, before exercise to warm your muscles and stir them, and after treatment to drain the lactic acid produced, relax your body and mind. Executed in the correct way safeguard the locomotor system from unwanted injuries. Sport massage is part of the intense messages and since the joints are mobilised, it is only performed where there is an indication. Often and willingly in the medical massage and in the classical massage, sports massage parts are also used as the best method to stretch the muscles, resolve the contractures, the tendon articular system.

The lymph is an interstitial fluid that has the role of transferring nutrients such as proteins, fats, vitamins etc. from the bloodstream to the cells themselves. At the same time it collects the metabolic products that are pumped into the blood and then expelled through the kidneys outside the body. All this is possible through a sophisticated system of vascular and lymph nodes that we may think to be parallel to the bloodstream.

In some particular situations (trauma, lack of lymphatic valves, illnesses etc.), the lymph could staging in the interstitial space. Cellulite is also one of these situations. That leads to the formation of the edema full of metabolic products. If this situation is not treated appropriately, tissue necrosis may develop over time. One of the best methods to drain excess fluid is manual lymph drainage. Manual lymphatic drainage is part of the functional massages and its role is the collection of the lymph and subsequent lymphatic drainage. The result of manual lymph drainage is definitely the reduction of edema and with it the improvement of the general state of the body. In addition, there is microbiological detoxification (less toxins in the interstitial space), better mobility, pain relief, and so on. Today, there are also devices that can perform part of the lymph drainage, however since only the hands of the operator can be perfectly adapted to the various body configurations, this technique remains to be performed manually.

Anti-cellulite massage is part of the most energetic functional massages. Its action is focused on manipulating the connective tissue and reactivating microcirculation. For this reason, anti-cellulite massages is often not well tolerated by all people and is almost painful when there are considerable issues. The movements that are used, create a hyperthermia of the connective tissue, which favours the elimination of toxins and the restructuration of the adipose tissue. Together with manual lymph drainage it is a good part of any anti-cellulite program. It can combine very efficiently with radio frequency, laser, cavitation and mechanotherapy massage technology.

The trigger point therapy in our center is part of classical and medical massage protocols, but can be performed separately when there is a clear indication. The trigger points are particular places in the muscular tissue, very painful and very often the pressure itself causes distal pain. That’s why they carry that name, because they somehow trigger the pain. Their formation has not yet fully understood, but it is well known that every person of any age has them. The right stimulation causes rapid muscle relaxation, reduced cramps and pain. The stimulation can be done by digital stimulation (fingers) or by special therapeutic accessories. Very often muscle relaxation is obtained with a combination of muscular stretching and at the same time pressing the trigger point.
Trigger point therapy can be performed alone in situations where localized pain or synergy with other massage techniques, lasers or diathermy.