The trigger point therapy has been used since ancient times. Its history has almost incredibly more than 6,000 years. But in today’s form began to be practically practiced just recently, when it was included in the medical techniques of manual manipulation of the tissue. The trigger points, in short, are very painful and strictly localized areas within the muscle tissue and put pressure on it , in most cases, causes distal pain (pain spreads to other areas). Stimulation of these points leads to faster muscle relaxation and non rarely to the withdrawal of acute forms of muscular pain. It is not known exactly why trigger points are generated but what is known is that they are almost always present in every person of any age. Trigger point manipulation is a bit more painful than most massage techniques because the pressure focuses precisely on the painful area. However, the benefits of this therapy are great, and is therefore applied in the smallest form in our center in almost all massages. The trigger points are arranged throughout the body, but more often the treatment is applied to the back area where the pain between the shoulders, upper back or lumbar area can be treated successfully, especially if the pain spreads to the extremities. Of course, the technique can be combined with laser and diathermy to get the best results.
How to prepare for the treatment?
The skin must be clean. You can have a cream on it.
Dali je tretman neugodan?
Treatment is not unpleasant, but it should be noted that such type of massage falls within a stronger massage
Dali se tretman može kombinirati sa drugim tehnologijama?
It can be successfully combined with RF or laser in excruciating, especially in the areas
Koliko je tretmana potrebno?
. Depending on the issue can be done 10 treatments. The eff
Kada se vide učinci?
ects are immediately visible. Feel the relaxation, rest and relaxation, or a reduction of pain with pain st
Koliko često se tretmani izvode?
anjaTretmani do 2 times a week at the usual customer. Or any time after/before trenignaNa
Kakva je njega nakon tretmana?
kon the treatment it is advisable to use some moisturizer. O
Dali se tretmani mogu raditi tijekom cijele godine
f course, the treatments can work always.