How much are the effective treatments of various technologies in the process of weight loss?
Cavitation, radiofrequency, massage, electrostimulation, oxyfat, hipoxy, Chamber of Commerce … just some of the names that often when talking about uparound kilos, fatty deposits, cellulite, generally the line. But actually how these technologies and generally efficient technology in the process of weight loss. It is necessary to separate problematu in 2 basic point of view. If it is adipose tissue (eg. deposits of fat on the stomach) or connective tissue (eg. cellulite). Approaches clearly vary. Adipose tissue and muscle tissue is not caused, but we’re born with it and are up to 10-12 years of my life fully formed. In other words the conformation and the amount of fat cells (adipocita) and a muscle cell is genetically predestined. This parameter does not change any treatments, except the hypertrophy where e.g. fatty tissue is physically removed. So, how then comes to weight gain, if the number of fat cells always the same? The solution lies in the fact that changing the volume and mass of cells, not their number. In other words one can have less fat cells than someone else and be thicker. Our body has a specially regulated by way of storing and using energy sources. It is necessary to know that the human body mainly works on carbohydrates (sugar), and not on the fats. Therein lies the whole point. Namely, if the unosti prekomjerena the quantity of sugar, because part will be stored in the liver, but that’s a small part (about 300-500gr). After that, everything else he’s leaving in a long-term reserve, filling and creating the adipocytes macroscopic what is referred to as fatty deposits. Clearly, in this context, due to the disposition and amount of adipocita somewhere will deposits be more, not less, where the products so well known genoidne (a woman a PEAR) and androgens (zena Apple) morfoloske types of physique. What is needed to make you adipociti emptied? In fact the reverse metabolicka reaction, but that it would come to her it is necessary to wear out first, reserve sugar on his fingers, so in the liver and then the fat again turning into sugar and so the adipociti empty. The point of the whole story is that thin can only if you spend more or less entries and it remains the only truth. And she what are the treatments? The treatments are only for formatting, and the outline of the body. In order to further parts of the rich adipocytes to prokrve (because they are usually those parts with poor circulation) in order to make and there started use their fatty acids. So people are primarily deblaju works prekomjerenih sugar and no fat. So it is completely wrong to say, don’t eat greasy. To say don’t eat sweet, pasta, bread, potatoes, etc. That’s what fat. Need to know something else. Us the organism works on 2 levels. Macroscopic and metabolic. To ensure the results were mrsavljenja permanent, it is necessary to work on this second level. In this case they are no longer talking about a diet than about the food regime. It is necessary promjentii in life habits. The one who is the decision that was already made 50%. Treatments, if we table cavitation said does not melt the fat, as well as radio frequency allows already svjom by the action of birth to certain parts of the body oksigeniziraju and mikrocrikulacija to make it work better in order to stage the entire mrsavljena and so to come to isphuvanja adipocita. So these are the treatments for an outline of the body. Also, massage and lymphatic drenaza play an important role, because they allow the Elimination of toxins that adversely effect on loosing weight. At the training ground of connective tissue and nutrition do not play such a big role as the game’s water. We are mostly composed of water and especially goats. To the connective tissue held onto a healthy it is necessary unovisi a bigger quantities of water (2 litres per day) and in that contest a methods like radio frequency can have a bigger impact because pospjesuju the creation of collagen and the tightening of the existing. But it’s mostly about our goat, and not of fat. If it comes to a stagnation of toxins and intogastrodermal interstitial water, we’re talking about edema. However, such a situation actually leads to the creation of diffuse lipodistrofije or popular cellulite. What’s there to do? In fact once formed mikronoduli almost no way they can’t be removed, but you can work on the edema, and circulation because the edema is one big part of the celulitozne mass. So prevention. Celilit can be treated with a surgical modern techniques laser assisted liposuction where the fibroticno tissue physically breaks with mikrokanilama through which emits light laserko. The procedure must be very superficial, because as we’ve said, cellulite is a disease of the connective tissue, so it is not about fat.
All those who want and boyfriends, and they need to change their living habits, combine nutrition (e.g.. metabloicki regime with a low carbohydrate) with tjelovjezbom (aerobic exercise), and treat local problems with some of the well-known technology (cavitation, lymphatic and rf). It’s a Holy Trinity that guarantees the result.